trois freres trail


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trois freres trail



As is known, the gradual walk till the viewpoint where one finds a wooden table to relax and enjoy the view is easy to climb. On sunny days, the views are amazing. Walking easy will take 40-45 minutes at the most.For the next episode of vertical climbing, as compared to my last two visits in the past, this latest trip came as a small surprise as some investment seems to have been made into the uphill forest route in terms of situating some wooden (tree-branch) ladders where it is difficult to climb five-to-six feet height uptakes. For some it can be a welcome break; for others it could seem to take the sheen away for marking its difficulty meter. Although we visited the Holy Cross on top of the mountain on a Sunday morning and did not see a soul en-route, yet tell-tale signs were that some local persons have been engaged to gather and get the trail rid of the plastic debris left behind by the visitors who chose to come up later during the daylight. By the sheer number of collected plastic bags and bottles at specific places during the route, one could imagine an increase in the people trying to make it to the top. Despite this bona fide effort, the worrying factor was the number and the kind of non-biodegradable items found right on the hill-top and in the crevices near around the Cross; also noticeable was as age-old practice of inscribing one’s names and characters in paint on rocky boulders (should be unacceptable). Empty plastic bottles, cans, fish cans, shoes, shoe-soles, t-shirts to name a few instances of items found dumped. Well, at least this was not the scenario witnessed by me during my past trips. Probably the persons in stock for collecting debris littered on the route are not mandated to remove the same from the top of the hill or they avoid the treacherous terrain at the end.Incidentally, right at the top, there is another difficultly seen route on the left flank which actually leads one to the left-most end of the hill and is a welcome break from the beaten path. Although even on this hidden route we found plastic bottles and cans littered to a certain length of the route meaning people do go this way as well if not till the far end, yet the route is difficult and rocky. If one is able to reach at the end, another set of wonderful views await. One can see the other two mountains of trois frères series very up-close and also the other northern hills/western seabed, beaches as well, not to say a different side view of the Holy Cross. Due care is required on the terrain though, at least at the edgy end of the route (the edge of the cliff).


In about 2 hours you walk to the viewing point where you can enjoy the beautiful view over the east coast of Mahe and the surrounding islands. Along the path it's all green around you with diverse vegetation, birds, lizards and other small animals. The path is not very difficult and where necessary signposted. Even the rare flesh-eating plants are growing here.You won't more? From the viewing point with table you follow the path all the way up.Only to find the beginning of the trail It's a bit difficult. From Victoria/Bell Air at Sans Soucis road it's a small road up hill at your right. But don't hesitate to ask one of the friendly locals.


Upon reaching the top of Trois Frere Trail you a have beautiful view of the Mahe Island which is untouched and preserved by the local government. The air that you breath is fresh and pure. Everywhere is surrounded with green vegetation growing in its natural habitat.The birds flying past landing on the branches of the trees and humming beautiful melodies.Giant granite rocks with different shapes and sizes stretches along like a massive wall.


a straight forward trail - try and do it on a clear day as vies are lovely, look out for the lizards, wild carnivorous plants and a range of insects. wear reasonable shoes but full hiking gear not needed! Water, camera and lunch would be good. We had a guide who pointed out the cinnamon trees, lemon grasses and other spice trees etc which we would have missed otherwise so worth having local knowledge.


Not necessarily you would much enjoy a different view but then you would rightly claim that you climbed the second highest peak of the country!


The trail is really nice. It's not too long, but it's not a 5min walk, making it ideal for a afternoon hike. The views are nice, flora too. The rock formations add to the attractions of the path. The only drawback is the quality of the sign posts, destination "terrace" - all are either destroyed or in real bad shape. It shows not too many people walk the path and little effort is put to maintain these few sign posts...a small shame as the whole path is nice. It takes ~2 hours to go up and back. We did it in this time with 2 small children. A 5 year old can do the whole path by himself, but be aware there are some parts with chains (rocks).


Good views at the top! About a 30 minute hike! A steep road takes you to the parking lot past a few houses! Good that there's parking, bring water, worth the trek but early in the day!


very good view points and easy to trek up . only 30 mins to the top. .Try going up about 1730 with a nice bottle of wine and watch the sunset from the top . Very safe.. Easy for children and well worth the thought of doing it .


While I was living in Seychelles for the most of 2012, I did many trekking and walking up and down Sans Souci from The Station to La Mission and back. Troi Frere trail is at the beginning of that road and I went up to half way look out point often but to go to the top where the iron cross is, you need to be fit to climb steep and slippery path with branches and roots sticking out everywhere. Prepare a walking stick(s), a bottle of water and of course a camera! Don't even think about going up when it rained or wet since almost impossible to climb muddy and watery path. Almost on the top there are huge boulders you have to jump from one to another, not too risky but when wet extra tough. The view from the cross is spectacular on a clear day, downtown Victoria, Harbours, Eden Island, and SEZ airport and marine park with islands. If you are fit it should take about two hours up and back, quite spent with memory of amazing nature and cool photos ;-)


If one’s Spirit of Adventure speaks, the journey could begin for this hill any time. Otherwise, some physical preparation is required before one tries to touch this Cross. Reaching that top is a different kind of step in discovering facets of the island nation of Seychelles, but it is an important one. Just for the record, this mount is the second highest in Seychelles, second only to Morne Blanc or Morne Seychellois (also known as Cloud Montain).Obviously, the trip offers magnificent views of pristine forest, a forest with clouds moving around the hills all the time, which one can only see from the ground level otherwise. Upto half-way (The Kiosk), the hike is relatively easy and can be graded as “2” in “1-10”. The vantage point offers amazing views of the islands, water, the city and also the verdant hills. A nice place to stay, rest a while and imbibe the views.This is also the place where it is time to decide for the next bet. The “Cross” at the top can be seen from The Kiosk and one can imagine the uphill task one could be up against. Once the trek starts, it’s a continuous walking up the hill with trees, roots, branches, mud and rocks offering plenty of help and cohesiveness. Reaching near the top, one is left to grapple with bare rocks and quite a lot of dare-devilry is required to go and touch the cross, which quite a few are (expected) not to do.While going uphill has its challenges, it’s the coming downhill on this path that makes one’s grit play its role. The hike after The Kiosk could be rated “5” (also because of the terrain being wet most of the times).In the overall, in the flora section, the forest offers glimpse of red pinnaple, pitcher plant (carnivorous), different kind of ferns. Also up in the thick forest, one comes across a fly (like a housefly) but with orange colour body, a spider with a black bead like body, a bird with orange beak.As for the route, grossly, on Chemin Sans Souci drive till a very visible bus stop (RHS) in front of a (white colour building) named THE STATION and then drive a few meters ahead till the next a smaller bus stop (RHS) comes. Immediately next to this bus stop on the right hand side, a narrow winding ascending road leads through the village and reaches an opening where one can park the car. A directional board has been placed here to tell of the way through the forest. Just before reaching the vantage point “The Kiosk”, a fork comes. Right turn takes us to the vantage point and left one goes forward to the forest leading up to the Cross. On the path to Cross too, near the top, a fork divides the way. The right side way leads walkers to the Cross and left side goes further down the forest.Well, all this is just a summary. The real fun is in the happening, when it does.


Rando de 2h AR (arrêt au premier promontoire), montée parfois difficile mais faisable sans trop d'entrainement. Belle vue à 180 deg sur toute la côte Est, Victoria, les iles. Sur le chemin (au niveau des blocs de granits), on peut voir des plantes carnivores.


Nous avons pris le bus pour rejoindre le sentier de randonnée. Tout est bien balisé, la montée est physique, mais faisable. Arrivés en haut, nous avons été ravis de découvrir une vue splendide. Inutile de prendre un guide pour ça, faites le juste à votre propre rythme, et vous serez enchantés d'un si beau spectacle.


Nous avons pris un guide pour cette randonnée et nous en étions ravis. La montée est parfois un peu dure mais au final, quelle perspective. Une vue magnifique sur Victoria, la capitale, et sur les îles. Il ne faisait pas trop chaud ce jour là et une fois en haut nous avons eu un super rayon de soleil pou profiter du panorama qui est exceptionnel. Notre guide Steven était très sympa et a pris le temps de nous montrer différentes choses sur la flore locale. La descente est beaucoup plus rapide que la montée. Nous conseillons cette marche qui n'est pas difficile.


Toller Trail mit sehr schöner Aussicht auf die Ostküste Mahe´s. Dieser Trail ist gepflegt und gut angelegt. Festes Schuhwerk ist jedoch zu empfehlen


Es war sehr sehr schön ... wer wandern möchte sollte es mit Bazil tun, ein einheimliche mit viel Erfahrung da fühlt man sich sehr gut aufgehoben.Diese tour ist wunderschön allerdings muss man körperlich sehr fit sein

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