grant wood tourism center and gallery


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grant wood tourism center and gallery



With another couple, we visited the Grant Wood gallery and "American Gothic" house in Anamosa, Iowa, and fully enjoyed an entertaining and educational couple of hours learning about this wonderful artist. Molly, the young lady who was overseeing the gallery when we visited, was most knowledgeable, helpful, and more than happy to discuss Grant Wood and his beautiful works. The highlight of our visit, of course, was being able to wear the American Gothic clothes that Molly provided, and have our photos taken. What a hoot! Plus, we were in hysterics over all the other visitors -- many, easily recognized and famous -- who donned the outfits for their own shots. Not only was our stay fun and informative, we also left with life-long memories and photographic proof of our fictional hard-scrabble existence!


The gallery is small but the man I spoke with that was running it at the time was very knowledgeable and was very helpful with offering suggestions on other sites and things to do in the area


Refreshing stop if you want to immerse yourself in some colorful local background of a great artist.


It is only open in the afternoon from 1-4 Check out the Grant Wood Art Festival Information For information go to


Anamosa and nearby Stone City is Grant Wood Country. There is information, literature, pictures, etc. for anything you want to see or know about Grant Wood.

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