st croix casino


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

st croix casino



Rooms, food, staff, casino. All good. A little off the beaten path. But just made it a more. Relaxing time


We liked the area. courteous staff. Clean rooms. We broke even In the casino. If you would like a smaller, more quiet casino, this is the place for you.


Although reasonably priced we arrived late so we made sure to ask if it was fresh & if there was still a good selection. The hostess said it was because they were still open for an hour. We paid but ended up being disappointed because it looked like a lot had been put away already if it was gone & most of what was left looked like it had been sitting out awhile. Next time we do a buffet late at night? we would request to take a peek at what they have because we would have gladly went to the sit down restaurant there or across the street instead of feeling like we wasted our money on stuff that no one wanted to eat.


We like to go to the casino and enjoy the buffet. We had a dinner punch card so one meal was free. Since it was my birthday month, I also received a free meal! Wed. buffet includes crab legs, shrimp, fish plus normal "buffet" food. But the crab legs are so good we filled up on those. The price is reasonable (10.99) and you will not leave hungry!


Unfortunately we are only 10 minutes from the casino and have been there multiple times in the last year. The slot machines are the tightest of any of the 10+ casinos that I have played at in the last 5 years. They do have Roulette but it runs on very limited hours. My guess is that they want the players on the slot machines versus playing a game that may actually pay out. The Dealers are idiots, the staff is rude and the food is marginal at best. My advice is if you rally need to go to this casino, go to the front desk and give them $200 and leave. At least you won't be wasting your time being mistreated and robbed of your money. I know they call it gambling but that usually implies that you have a chance to make some money, it won't happen here. I will drive the 40 minutes to Hinkley from now on.


This casino/hotel has very economical and good food. They have a breakfast for $1.99 and it was great. The rooms are big and clean. However my mattress was not very comfortable. The payouts were average.The ladies working the reception desk and the club rewards were very friendly but the males on the casino floor were very grumpy and unfriendly.


I am mostly reviewing the buffet at this casino, since I do believe the rest of the actual casino is your standard, run of the mill, small casino and therefore doesn't need a review. The cost of their dinner buffet on a Tuesday night was $10.99. While this may seem reasonable, the true cost should've been closer to 6 or 7 dollars. Our first hint that this was a crappy buffet was by how sparse the dining room was with people. That's always a good indicator as to how good a restaurant is. As far as the food itself, the selection was extremely limited. A small salad bar was worth 1/2 a star, and I would give them that if it was an option. Otherwise, there were two hot food areas open. No carving station, and there was a food area that wasn't even being used. The hot food itself was dry, processed, and hadn't been turned over in quite some time, probably due to the fact that not many people dined there. Even the dessert selections were poor. There were a few slices of pie that looked like they had been sitting out all day, and there was a soft serve ice cream machine with a lack of toppings. Do not waste your money at this buffet! I would've rather had Old Country Buffet! Make the 25 minute drive west to Grand Casino in Hinckley and enjoy a truly class act buffet and casino.


Build it and they will come. True perhaps for baseball but not when it comes to casinos. The Casino at Danbury, WI. Can attest to that. The number of empty machines on the casino floor on any given day is verification enough. I should have been a fortune teller. I saw the writing on the wall long before the first concrete block was laid for this soon-to-be disaster. Even as an outsider, it was an obvious fact you don’t start building something you simply can’t afford. ( The cost of the new casino amounted to 25 million dollars give or take a few bucks, depending on who you ask). On top of that, you don’t get off of the porch and try to run with the big dogs if you aren’t one and never will be one. ( A monstrosity like this out in the middle of some tick infested jack pines trying to compete with Grand Casino Hinckley located 30 miles to the West? What could they possibly have been thinking????). You don’t destroy something that’s bought and paid for that’s already proven itself and replace it with something as sterile and bland as the new Casino at Danbury. (The old “Hole In The Wall Casino” was a fun-filled little place where one could go to spend some time and try their luck. They leveled the entire casino in order to make room for this sore thumb.) It doesn’t take a dim witted frog to know you don’t build a “Castle In The Jackpines” believing the locals could or even would support it. (You can’t get blood out of a turnip nor can you pluck handfuls of money out of a stand of scraggly jack pine trees. Plain and simple. You can‘t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.) Most importantly, you don’t hand over the reins of a multi-million dollar business to someone who will weaken to temptation and run off with what income the casino was able to realize. Based on personal experience, the signs were written plainly on the wall from the get-go. For example, a Grand Opening should be a memorable experience, something that leaves a positive image in the minds of those in attendance. Everything humanly possible would be in order to attract a large number of potential clientele. The machines should be set to be as generous as the law would allow in order to create at the very least a temporary, monetary euphoria for those in attendance. Not so in the case of the Grand Opening at Danbury. As a matter of fact, it was the direct opposite. Instead of paying better than machines normally would, the machines at the Danbury Grand Opening were set at the minimum payout, obviously in hopes of making a quick monetary recovery for this blunder of all blunders!!! My wife and I and our best friends learned a costly lesson at Danbury’s Grand Opening. We made the much anticipated journey to Danbury only to learn this the hard way. Between the four of us, we managed to drop a combined total of over $450.00 playing nickel KENO. We lost our money so fast it wasn’t funny without seeing so much as a single pot of ANY size in return!!!! Not one out of the four of us hit a solitary thing!!!! NADA!!! NOTHING!!!! ZILCH!!! Did our little group leave the casino all fired up, ready and anxious to return again??? Hardly. The four of us are senior citizens on fixed incomes. We’re just a few among the multitude of seniors who make up a large portion of the patrons who frequent in Wisconsin casinos. Evidently, because we’re old and somewhat wrinkled it’s assumed we’re completely brain dead. However, we’re still able to tell when we’re being treated like red-headed stepchildren about to get a beating every time we walk through the door. As a result of our beating, my wife and I licked our wounds for a full year before we worked up the courage to return to the scene of the heist. Our two friends have yet to return after a four year absence. We realize now to return to the scene was a major mistake. Our friends made a much wiser choice than either of us did. They decided to stay away from the joint permanently. TOO SOON WE GET OLD, AND TOO LATE SMART. Unfortunately, my wife and I have returned to Danbury more times than I care to elaborate on. Unfortunately, the results have been much the same as on our first visit to the place. BAD!!!. What causes a person to return to such a place only to receive the same treatment time after time? I attribute the poor choice we made to several reasons. 1) Inside every gambler is a deep-seated desire to try and recover the funds left there on an earlier visit. In other words, we’re out to try and right a wrong. 2) Gamblers harbor a large amount of false hope within. We tend to believe things may have improved since an earlier visit to a casino. More often than not, the exact opposite is true. We receive even fewer payouts than we experienced on the previous visit. Any gambler whose been around the block knows in all likelihood they will leave any casino they venture into with less money than they walked in with. This is to be expected. After all, casinos are a business. Any business that pays out more than it takes in will never survive. However, I believe I can speak for all of us. We do expect one thing. A little return for the money we spend. Any serious gambler I’ve ever spoken with has expressed two wishes of a casino: It should be an enjoyable source of entertainment. It should be a place they can go to occupy their time. Unfortunately, the new casino at Danbury offers little of either. Entertainment isn’t something that involves losing one’s tail feathers each and every time they enter a place and a gambler needs to see a little return for their money in order to have a small amount of time to play. Danbury simply does not provide this. Unfortunately, when it comes right down to it, Danbury is really no different than any other Tribal Casino in the State of Wisconsin. The majority of the time, all a person ever gets to do is to play on their own money and leave disgrunted. With so little regulation, no penalties for violations, and machines which can be set to play a minimum of 80%. When so little is returned it takes very little time to lose one’s entire bankroll in a matter of a few hours which would last the entire trip to Vegas. Evidently, management has yet to learn a very important fact when it comes to knowing a gamblers state of mind. Someone should inform them of this fact. “The more one wins, the more one tends to spend.” When a person get nothing for their money, it’s the casino that suffers in the long run. Hopefully, some day, something will change. Perhaps it was the Navahos who said it best: “SHEEP ARE SHEARED MANY TIMES. YOU SKIN THEM ONLY ONCE”. Our most recent visit to the casino at Danbury spelled the end to our playing KENO there. During a two day period, my wife and I spent over eighteen hours playing KENO. That would amount to a combined total of thirty-six hours at the KENO machines. Our total wins?? One sixty dollar pot!!!!! That’s it folks. One sixty dollar payout in thirty-six hours of play!!!! Evidently casino management believes that’s supposed to be enough to satisfy an avid KENO player and have them chomping at the bit to return. For some maybe, but not for us. Danbury obviously has it’s server-based system working to perfection. (If you’re unfamiliar with server-based systems, it allows the casino to do everything shy of reaching in your pocket and relieving you of your hard earned cash. A server based system allows a casino to change the odds on a machine, shut down a single machine or an entire bank of machines, determine when a machine pays, how much is paid, and to whom the amount is paid, all with the flip of a switch located in the control room. If you have a problem believing this, check for yourself. Go to the Internet, search server based casinos, and start reading. It’s all there in black and white. My wife and I decided we simply can’t afford to play at Danbury any longer, at least not until we hear their payout has improved. Until that occurs, you’ll no longer find us at Danbury. However, our experience at Danbury wasn’t enough to cause us to stop playing KENO altogether. We’ve decided to check things out across the border to try our luck at Hinckley and Black Bear. We recently took what will be one of many trips into Minnesota on August 9, 2014 . It may be a case of better regulation in Minnesota or the Casinos over there aren’t near as greedy as the casinos are in Wisconsin. I hit a 5 for 5 within the first ten plays at Hinckley and a 5 for 5 within twenty minutes at Black Bear. We ended up losing but at least we got to play. One thing for certain. Even if we don’t hit another pot in Minnesota after a combined thirty six hours of playing, it can’t get any worse than playing KENO at Danbury.


The casino was completely rebuilt several years and in loo of what was there, it is beautiful inside and out. The casino is not too large or too small, has ample supply of different machines, offers blackjack tables, and staff are friendly. My family has a cabin up in this area, and find this to be one of our favorite casinos, for a short trip to town.


It is not the biggest but I have found the employees friendly and helpful. There is a small food area where you can grab a quick sandwich,etc that is quite reasonable and portions are ample. If in the area I like to stop. I have not stayed at the hotel so can not comment on that.


They failed again! The lodge stunk of smoke in every room, even the non smoking rooms had gig burns and stunk. The casino was filled with sad people losing (no one was happy, no one was winning) Just a very negative experience!


No food, no drinks, no thanks! Honestly, its like a ghost town. I'd gladly drive to Treasure Island. As a guest, I really don't care what you're remodeling. I'm here now and it sucks.


Came to casino and was winnig on slot machine. Was late in the night and was told to move from machine so they could change out a black box. If their marketing is sophisticated enough to know when we have been there and how much we spent, then it should be sophisticated enough to skip machine to change out boxes until your "customer's" are done playing. It was rude, and disruptive to the game. Will not be back.

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