the children's toy & doll museum


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the children's toy & doll museum



Ok I fully admit I had no intention of visiting this museum. We were on our way back from the Boathouse Restaurant, parked out front to visit the little street fair happening a block up. I walked up the steps when my daughter said "you have to pay to go in there" In mid-movement of turning back, a petite senior woman opened the door came out onto the steps and surprised me! She was one fast talker. When she asked if we were a family and I said yes, she took one look at my daughters boyfriend and said "that's one big kid!" I admit I was so taken back by this spitfire I said "ok how about $14.00 - $10 for a family and one extra adult" (they are 21 after all). We were then escorted inside where I gladly turned over the cash and we then walked through the house laughing to ourselves at how we came to be touring the Toy and Doll Museum! All in all it was fun seeing old toys from our childhoods and much older. If your in the are and want a break from the traditional stop in and say hi to Agnes!


This is a great place for the young and old. My husband and I were able to show our sons what our favorite toys were from our childhood and play with a few toys that we had not seen before. Even better almost everything in this museum is for sale, for those that would like to purchase a part of their childhood again. The kids of course love it because it is wall to wall toys and the museum is located in an old passenger train cars.


I'm not a fan of dolls but my wife thought our 3-year-old would enjoy it so we went with my in-laws. It's in a converted house on the other side of the Muskingum River from downtown Marietta and filled with dolls from around the world. Naturally, my kid liked the play room most but the rest of the family enjoyed touring the entire museum. At $10.00 for a family, it's money well spent. Budget maybe 30 minutes for this place, then hit nearby Whipple's Toys for lots of old-school toys for sale in a pair of converted train cars.


This museum was a bit of a disappointment; mainly because the price per person doesn't match the short amount of time most take to cover the various rooms. Four of us, all in the same family, went there thinking we could get the family rate of $10. Unfortunately it was explained we had to be immediate family and the lady wouldn't listen we were immediate family; just older. We decided not to argue over $6. The museum is in an old home and most items were donated by local residents. Some items are labeled. There were a few things we enjoyed looking at, but there just wasn't enough to constitute charging $4/person. Two in our family finished with the entire collection in about 15-20 minutes. The other two were done in 30-35 minutes. Several of us felt many items could be seen at an antique shop for free.

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