santuario madonna di tirano


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santuario madonna di tirano



Having read reviews on this church we wanted to see it for ourselvesThe marble sculptures and altar are just something else and as for the pipe organ we wished we could hear it in action but that was not to beUpon entering the church, the priest followed us everywhere and when looking at the organ console, he made it plain by gesture that we were to leaveWe thought it was not a very Christian thing to doUpon enquiring at our accomodation it turns out the priest was clearing the church so he could take his siesta break, it being near to mid day!Better luck next time!


It's a majestic church full of marble and dedicated to our Lady. There is a part in the sanctuary where people leave something to thank last Madonna for a miracle .We were impressed of it because from outside one couldn't imagine it's richness.


This is a sanctuary worth a visit while in Tirano. It has a long history in the town and 2014 celebrates the 510th anniversary of the apparition of Mary, which is the reason for it being built. It sees not only local worshippers visit, but also visitors from other parts. One can admire the paintings and sculptures inside the sanctuary. How to get there? - If staying in Tirano, it's possible to walk or take the little yellow train that departs from the piazza (square) near the railway station and get off at this stop, and then resume the train ride later, to get back to town.


This church is absolutely beautiful in every way. The foundation stone was laid on 25 March 1505 and in 1513 the shrine was opened to the faithful although not yet completed.


From the outside very attractive, late renaissance with a very high tower. Some people may find the inside overdone, extremely decorated, not exactly what you may call sober. But then, in its own right its wonderful and reminds one of certain Indian temples.


The organ in the transept is enormous, but the most beautiful part of the Sanctuary is the baroque Chapel, built on the spot where the Apparition took place. As other people have said, it's moving to hear Mass celebrated there, whether or not the choir is singing. The red train trundles past the church, which is fun to see, and seen from there the mountain tops are spectacular.


As many reviewers have reported, this church doesn't look too unique on the outside, but once inside, you will be amazed. It is quite impressive. Try to catch a service going on so that you can experience the lovely sounds of the choir and the huge church organ. Great church bells too! (lots of bells!) Note-one of the tunes played regularly by the church bells sounded to me like "Blister in the Sun" - is that possible!?


A cup of coffee with the sun shining is an exquisite way of spending the time. Pleasant time spent at this spectacular place!


We arrived during mass and a large crowd was gathered. The volunteers and nuns were very caring and kind and the mass was deeply moving.


You will be amazed with the interior of this church. Do not be fooled by the exterior. We were told to stop there but when we got there we questioned if we were at the right place. It looks very simple from the outside. But once you walk inside you will not be disappointed and glad you stopped in.There is so much to see and appreciate in such a small structure. The colors and textures of all the wood and stone is unbelievable.


For someone who has been to the major basilicas in Rome, coming here is really deceptive as it looks like an ordinary church outside... Small on the outside but inside it packs quite a punch with elaborate ornate deco. I was particularly impressed with the organ pipes and almost wished that my regular church organist was with me to test it out


I visited the Santuario Madonna di Tirano with family in May. We arrived in Tirano by bus on an organised tour from Milan. As we were catching the Bernina Express, we had little time in Tirano and this was the only sight we visited. The church was just lovely, it was free to enter and you could take photographs inside. Worth a visit if you are in Tirano.


Everything was great!! Good pizza!! We were really impressed and we would be happy to go back any time!!


Like so many European churches, the Santuario Madonna di Tirano is very beautiful, though it doesn't look like much from the outside. The ceiling and alters are stunning, but I was most impressed by the organ, which must have been about 8 metres tall and about 5 metres wide. It was carved in the 1600's with lovely, 3 dimensional scenes.


La visita al Santuario della Madonna di Tirano è davvero molto bella ed interessante, personalmente l'ho visitata diverse volte senza mai finire di stupirmi per la sua bellezza. Ritengo sia forse il monumento religioso più importante e famoso in Valtellina, situato nell'omonima Piazza, crocevia tra Italia e Svizzera.La facciata esterna si presenta in stile rinascimentale con un portale centrale massiccio in legno intagliato.L'interno presenta una struttura di 3 navate, la centrale alta 20 metri e lunga 14.Il Santuario è decorato riccamente con dipinti, decorazioni e stucchi, sia sulle pareti che sulle volte del soffitto, che coprono quasi ogni suo centimetro. Un imponente organo ligneo alto quasi 15 metri poggia su ben 8 enormi colonne in marmo sul lato sinistro del Santuario. Un capolavoro artistico di pregevole bellezza con 2200 canne realizzato dall'intagliatore bresciano Giuseppe Bulgarini tra il 1608 e il 1617.L'altare maggiore è in marmo nero e intarsiato con altri marmi lucidi policromi.Il cuore del Santuario è la sua cappella detta dell'Apparizione ovvero dove apparve la Madonna. La scritta "Ubi steterunt pedes Mariae" ci indica il punto "dove si posarono i piedi di Maria" e dove oggi i fedeli di raccolgono per la preghiera.Una tappa obbliga se siete in zona, un connubio tra religione e arte da visitare e ammirare in tutta la sua magnificenza.

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