parc du mont-bellevue


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

parc du mont-bellevue



With a nice view of the city and the river from the top, Mont Bellevue was a nice place to Ski with the kids. We were here Dec 27th. Quite a few ski school groups but not too many other skiers, so virtually no lines. Only 3 runs open but the conditions were decent considering the poor weather lately. They had the chair lift, a puma lift and a magic carpet open. Great little hill for kids and beginners. The puma lift is quick, you can get in 3 runs compared to two with a chair lift in the same time. This was our warm up day before heading to Mont Orford.


Sentiers pédestres, ski de fond, ski alpin de jour et de soir, glissade sur neige et champ de tir à l'arc.Tout ça au parc du Mont Bellevue en pleine ville de SherbrookeOu il fait bon vivre


En pleine ville un endroit parfait pour découvrir la nature et exercice en plus. Parfois de la surveillance.


Très belle montagne et sentiers. Marche, course, raquette, ski de fond, ski alpin (enfants et débutants), vélo de montagne, snow bike, tir à l'arc (en saison).

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